To Do Smoke












     What To Do



 This is how to quit the smoking habit!!!!


A  Have the earnest desire to live.


B  Decide to stick to the plan.


C  Drink eight or more glasses of water
every day.


D  Totally abstain from tea, coffee,
alcohol, drugs.


E  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole
grains and nut in as simple a way as
possible.  Only unsweetened fruit juice.


F  Walk for 30 minutes or more every day.


G  Spend time in the sunshine and fresh
air everyday.


H  Bathe for 30 minutes rubbing the
body, legs and arms with a cotton mitt
or cloth.


I  Every time the urge to smoke comes
a big glass of water.


J  Don’t sit in the chair you are used to
smoking in. Don’t watch TV ads about


K  Keep your hands busy with useful


L  Spend your time with people who
not going to ask you to smoke.


M  Things to avoid.  These things will
trigger a desire to smoke.  Tea, coffee,
alcohol, drugs, spices, vinegar, excess
sugar & salt, meat, dairy and refined
and junk foods.


N   Continual connection with heaven. 
is the key point to ask God for
strength and trust in Him to help you
follow the plan and stay quit.




  The Pipe Versus Heaven
I have seen many an example of the power of these habits.
One woman I knew who was advised by her physician to smoke as a
remedy for the asthma. To all appearance she had been a zealous
Christian for many years, but she became so addicted to smoking
that when urged to give it up as an unhealthful and defiling habit, she
utterly refused to do so. She said, “When the matter comes before my
mind distinctly, that I must give up my pipe or lose heaven,
then I say, ‘Farewell heaven;’ I cannot surrender my pipe.”
This woman only put into words that which many express by their actions.
God, the maker of heaven and earth, He who created man
and claims the whole heart, the entire affections, is held subordinate
to the disgusting, defiling nuisance, tobacco.
That Christ should be discarded for these soul-and-body-destroying
indulgences, is an amazement to the unfallen universe.
Letter 8, 1893. 
 When we pursue a course of eating and drinking that lessens physical and mental vigor, or become the prey of habits that tend to the same results, we dishonor God, for we rob Him of the service He claims from us. Those who acquire and indulge the unnatural appetite for tobacco, do this at the expense of health. They are destroying nervous energy, lessening vital force, and sacrificing mental strength. 
Te 63
Those who profess to be the followers of Christ, yet have this terrible sin at their door, cannot have a high appreciation of the atonement and an elevated estimate of eternal things. Minds that are clouded and partially paralyzed by narcotics, are easily overcome by temptation, and cannot enjoy communion with God.
The Signs of the Times, January 6, 1876. Te 64
When we pursue a course of eating and drinking that lessens physical and mental vigor, or become the prey of habits that tend to the same results, we dishonor God, for we rob Him of the service He claims from us. Those who acquire and indulge the unnatural appetite for tobacco, do this at the expense of health. They are destroying nervous energy, lessening vital force, and sacrificing mental strength. 
Te 63
Those who profess to be the followers of Christ, yet have this terrible sin at their door, cannot have a high appreciation of the atonement and an elevated estimate of eternal things. Minds that are clouded and partially paralyzed by narcotics, are easily overcome by temptation, and cannot enjoy communion with God.
The Signs of the Times, January 6, 1876. Te 64
As an illustration of the inability of tobacco users to command
their senses when without the stimulant, I will relate an
occurrence that came to my notice. An aged man who was
at one time my next-door neighbor was a great user of tobacco;
but one morning he had not taken his usual smoke
when I went in to get a book I had lent him. Instead of getting
the book I had asked for, he handed me a bridle. In vain I strove
to make him understand what I wanted; I had to go away without
the book. Next day I went again the made the same request,
and he immediately handed me the book. Then I asked him
why he had not given it to me the day before. He said:
“Why, were you in yesterday? I do not remember it. Oh,
I know what was the trouble, I had not had my tobacco!”
This was the effect upon his mind when he was without the stimulant.
His physician told him that he must cease its use or he could not live.
He did give it up, but all his life after he suffered from the constant
longing for the accustomed stimulant; he had to fight a continual battle. 
When ninety years old, he was one day seen searching for something.
When asked what he wanted, he replied, “I was looking for my tobacco.”
He suffered without it,
and yet it would have been death to him to continue its use. 
A Way of Deliverance
God requires that His children shall keep themselves
free from such unnatural and disastrous habits.
But when men are bound in these chains, is there no
 way of deliverance? Yes, the Lord Jesus has died
that through the merits of His life and death men
may be overcomers. He is able also to save them to the
uttermost that come unto God by Him. He came to earth
that He might combine divine power with human effort,
and by co-operation with Christ, by placing the will on the side of God,
the slave may become free, an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. 
 Te 279
When ninety years old, he was one day seen searching for something.
When asked what he wanted, he replied, “I was looking for my tobacco.”
He suffered without it,
and yet it would have been death to him to continue its use. 
A Way of Deliverance
God requires that His children shall keep themselves
free from such unnatural and disastrous habits.
But when men are bound in these chains, is there no
 way of deliverance? Yes, the Lord Jesus has died
that through the merits of His life and death men
may be overcomers. He is able also to save them to the
uttermost that come unto God by Him. He came to earth
that He might combine divine power with human effort,
and by co-operation with Christ, by placing the will on the side of God,
the slave may become free, an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. 
 Te 279


Te 279






      Carry Your Baby In A Bag


      In Australia there are many animals that are strange looking to us in America.  Nearly half of these creatures are Marsupials.  These are the animals that carry their baby in a pouch.  They nurse and grow in the pouch until it’s time to come out and face the world.


      The wallaby looks like a fat little kangaroo.  The wallaroo is the size of the animals in between the wallaby and the kangaroo.  The young Wallabies are called “Joeys”.


     The Rock Wallaby has gripping feet to make it more capable to roam the mountains like a mountain goat.


     The Wallabies dwell more in the densely treed and mountain areas of Australia.  The Larger kangaroo stays more in the plains and desert lands.


     The baby is born in 30 days.  The baby wallaby is in the pouch nearly 9 months.  The baby will stop nursing from 12 to 17 months.


     Large numbers will be together to eat grass and plants in the afternoon and evening.


     One of the nicer looking creatures is the koala bear.  He is not a bear but just looks like one.  He is a marsupial that carries the baby in its pouch.  He is so cute and looks like mommy.  He climbs the eucalyptus trees and makes a feast of the powerful leaves.  And he is for real not just a stuffed toy.


       When you take your trip to Australia relax and enjoy all these interesting animals.  It will be worth your while.  What a wonderful Creator we have.  He must have had a great enjoyment in making all His creatures.